The following takes place between 3:25 and 3:30 pm , on december 1st 2009
Venom and the Captain are holding approx 300 shares of EEV.
Venom: We should sell right now, 81 bucks
Captain: Dude, last 15 mins, it'll shoot up, let's hold
Venom: i admire you, you rock, i should listen to you, but i'm going to click sell for the both of us
Captain (while standing in front of the computer dressed as Gandolph the Grey ) : THOU SHALL NOT PASS
Venom: it's done, 81 dollars
fast forward 15 mins, EEV hits in over 85 bucks.
Captain: i'm no math major, but 4 dollars X 300 shares means you owe me 1200 dollars
Venom: dont' boss me
and scene